

  • Author

    Alia Mascia

  • Year


XEROXED: wearable pages, readable garments is a garment publishing platform that investigates the relationship between body, garment, and publication through the translation of paper material into wearable publications. The platform specifically aims at (re)publishing materials explicitly positioned in the margins, outside, and in contraposition with the dominant capitalistic media cultural production, making it available for a contemporary (re)-read. XEROXED digs into archives, drawers, warehouses, and libraries in search of the unpublishable, the forgotten, the under-ground. The published material is selected by analysing the potential that it can have in contemporary political discourse, and to what extent it could possibly shake individual consciences and plant a seed of sprouting reflection. Through the juxtaposition, mix, and re- configuration of the archival material, new inputs are created on the XEROXED garments, which become potential tools that can stimulate conversations, reflections, and debates among those who come across them in public spaces.

XEROXED works with editions, each one of them highlighting specific topics and publications. Depending on the edition, XEROXED opens up a conversation with archives, libraries, and private collections. The extracted material is re-activated, re-interpreted, and re-published through the garments, which become the main tool for the (re-)circulation of the information.

  • Author

    Alia Mascia

  • Location


  • Year


  • Materials


  • Color

    White, Pink